Audit & Assurance
Statutory Audit
Under various kinds of statutes, all the businesses or entities require to have their accounts audited properly. We undertake the same under the statute of the Companies act 1956, The Banking Regulation Act 1949, Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, Income Tax Act 1961 and the Insurance Act 1938.

For organizations that require an audit for statutory or regulatory reasons associated with the filing of their annual and periodic financial information, we provide high quality audit services. We take into account all current and where appropriate, prospective auditing, accounting, reporting regulations and guidance. Our audit clients include various multinational corporations, as well as small and medium-sized companies.

We have the expertise to conduct the audits under computerized environment of accounting functions such as SAP, Navison, Tally & other customized ERP packages.
Internal Audit
Internal Audits are a necessity for companies to monitor the effectiveness of the internal control systems, provide assurances on risk management and meet Corporate Governance responsibilities. As part of our assurance services, we review the existing internal control systems, standard operating procedures of business processes and suggest for improvement. With the risk based approach to internal audit, we provide tangible value additions to the clients in risk management. As part of internal audit function, we also undertake SOX Compliances, physical verification of inventories and fixed assets at periodical intervals as required by the management.

We are also experienced to conduct Risk Based Internal Audit of Banks as per Basel II Norms. Our firm was engaged by a prominent private sector bank to conduct the Risk Based Internal Audit of all their branches in Tamil Nadu and some of their specialized branches such as Asset Recovery branch, etc. and the assignment was carried out to the best of all concerned on a timely basis in compliance with Basel II norms.

Our Assurance team ensures compliance of high degree of Auditing Standards, Integrity and transparency in reporting. We serve clients in diverse industries like Manufacturing, IT and IT enabled Services, Printing & Publishing, and Leather Industry.
Information Systems Audit
The Information System Auditing encompasses the evaluation of various systems & procedures to ensure that all assets and resources are safeguarded, proper integrity of computer data is maintained, and the long & short terms objectives of the business organization is achieved. Our elegant and ingenious Information System Audit offers complete assurance the management on Quality (effectiveness, efficiency, and economy), External IT (Integrity, confidentiality, and availability), and the Fiduciary (compliance and reliability). Moreover, we also help comprehensively our perceptive clients of India and abroad, to understand and manage various IT risks, enabling them to employ the leading edge technology, and thus, stay ahead in the highly competitive markets, by the scrupulous and proper implementation of business- and process-oriented controls.
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